
Monday, 26 November 2018

Passion Project week 7

Today we are back at passion project. Today half of my group isn’t here so Milan and I are doing the work. So far today we have commented on each others blogs and assigned jobs for both Milan and I so far we have done most of our assigned jobs but we still have the rest of the day to carry on at period 5 we have to share what we have done today here is a photo of the last time me and my group shared  

Monday, 19 November 2018

Passion Project's

Hello , For kete this term we are doing this thing called passion projects there are many options to choose from the one that i'm doing is community sports , for this me and the rest of my group have decide to do netball so far during this I have learnt that It is not easy to organize such a big thing together we will get through this by working together and trying our best our next step is to wait for the principal from Hornby primary school     

Wednesday, 17 October 2018


This Term (Term 4) We are looking at one of our 4 school values Commitment
The Question Is...
~What does commitment mean to me? ~
 Being Committed in Clubs 
To me when I hear the word Commitment it means that you have to be committed to whatever it is that you are doing. If you join a club for a sport and your parents pay the fees, you should make up your mind before that if you want to be committed or not.
Being Committed at School
Being committed at school means that if your teacher ask someone to do something and you say Yip i'll do it and then you decide halfway through it that you dont really want to do it anymore that is one way NOT to be committed your teacher picks people that they know that they can trust and that they think could finish the job so that you can get further in the near future 
Being Committed at Home 
when you get asked to do something like the dishes or get asked to fold the washing then just do it because you could get things for doing the dishes or folding the washing something that your parents might give as an award is something like having a day off the dishes or a day off the washing 

Thank you for reading Have a GREAT DAY 

Friday, 8 June 2018

Netball Positions

DIfferent Positions
How to Play those positions
What does poisson's hep do
Who - People that are playing
What - the rules and how to play netball
When- When to go for the ball
Where- Where you can and can't go on the court
Why - Idk
How - How to play

Examples on Position in Netball
Netball can be confusing for some people as in people that play other sports but most people know how to play the sport and they don't actually know where they start so these are the positions on where you start before playing netball  

In netball you need 2 team of 6 to 7 people their first you or your coach needs to put you into you possion of either GS ( Goal Shoot ) , GK ( Goalkeeper ) WA ( Wing Attack ) WD ( Wing Defence ) GA ( Goal Attack ) GD (Goal Defence ) and C ( Center ) the Goal shooter and the Goalkeeper start in the half Circle The C starts in the little circle with the ball Wing Attack Stand on the same side as their team shooter and The Wing

Defence stand of the opposite side behind the line Goal Attack Stands on the opposite end of the wing attack and the Goal defence stands on the opposite side of the wing defence and defends the wings attack and then they all just defend their players and the attacks as GA , WA have to stand on the other side of the same line and as the other player so WA will stand on the same side as GD and they they both just attack their play ( NOT Attack as in Break them into pieces) and then the GS and GK try get the ball into the hoop (GS) and make the other team not get the ball into the hoop (GK) and the C starts off the game with the ball and in the centre circle and then you will hear a whistle and the game will start

At the end of the game you will hear another whistle and basically the team with most goals in the hoop wins the game then at the end both team will do their cheers and congratulate the other team


Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Image result for pantomime]What is a Pantomime

  • What happens in pantomimes that dont usually happen in normal plays 

A pantomime is like a group of people that perform and that communicate with their audience while they perform ------VIDEO ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Image result for Slapstick

  • What does Slapstick Mean ???
Slapstick is basically comedy done on purpose 

  • How could we use slapstick in our play 
Aunty Silla could be the one that make everybody laugh 

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Lino Cuts

1.Youtube clip on Lino Cuts
 2. 1st you need to start your design on a piece of paper then you need to find a simple shape to draw then you can draw it on you Sketching sheet and then you carve around it then you paint over it then print it onto another paper then you are DONNEEE!!!!!! Image result for cute and easy lino cutting 
3. The first thing you do is Draw your design then you carve around it after that you paint over it then you print it onto a blank paper

Monday, 30 April 2018


Traditionally, it was a time for remembering the dead, and celebrating new life. In the 21st century, observing Matariki has become popular again. Heaven-bound kites, hot-air balloons and fireworks help mark the occasion 

Image result for matarikiImage result for matariki

Friday, 16 March 2018

100 Word Dragon Challenge

I was new to the town and there was no one out, as I went to take a look in shop windows they were all sealed close tightly I had no idea what was happening  and the I knocked on the door and all I could hear was locks unlocking the pulled me and as I looked outside someone behind me said has the dragin gone then I looked out up in the sky but there was nothing to see then I looked down to the ground a little baby dragon all alone … but where was the mother dragon!? .  

Tuesday, 6 March 2018


For the group performance we are doing we know the way from the movie moana. For our small groups me and my group are ding the song This Is Me from the movie The Greatest Showman here is a link to both of the videos 

The Greatest Showman -
We know the way -

Image result for we know the wayImage result for the greatest showman]

Monday, 26 February 2018


Art I post
L.O : How to draw bodys  Shading , and the correct way to get the way the body and we also learnt about the treaty of waitangi and Kowhaiwhai

Here's my drawing's 
(Dont Judge)

Learning process  
What worked: the way that I found what hairstyle I wanted really well 
What didn't work: My clothing... 

Tuesday, 13 February 2018


We had to put down notes about what people do backstage and what they do onstage and what they do in between shows when they have to change or get more makeup on 

Done By Jack ,Aroha, Manaia and Krystal  

Monday, 12 February 2018

Finale Number (Drama)

What kind of things can  go wrong in a live performance? 
- you screw  up the lines 
-fullover on stage 
-dont Remember your lines
-Go on to the stage at the wrong time 

What does performing Live means?
- Performing musicals live 

What did you like most about that performance?
-How they have great choice of costumes 
-They made it entertaining 

The musical that I think that we should do is The hard Knock life musical

Monday, 5 February 2018


Today for science Sahana ( My Partner) and I looked foe all the none safety this is the picture we also watched a video about what our expectations from Mr Kane should be like