
Tuesday, 14 March 2017

The Feet Can Measure The Height

Image result for foot chart sizeThe bones of the feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person's height? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solve crimes.
Bones of the feet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine math with forensics to see how
Image result for foot to height ratio chart
NameHeightFoot Size
Summer14721 cm
Aroha15020 cm
Sahana15122 cm
Alesha16124 cm
Kayla14120 cm

My number is 13.3%
Kayla's answer is 14.1%
Sahana's Number is 14.9%
Summers number is 14.2%
Alesha's Number is 14.9% 

1.Aim- Based on someones Feet size we can measure their height
2. hypothesise-Know a rough estimate of our Height.
3.Method-Have the students in your group remove their shoes and measure their height.
4.Equipment-Mini Ruler Large Ruler and Calculate
5. Results-So today I found Out that My feet were 20 cm and My Height was 150
6.Summery- the police investigator and forensic scientist use 15%of a person foot length is equal to their to their height 
7.Conclusion-By Knowing what a person foot size is we can determine their approximate height  

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