Today you will be reading about my sphere that I have chosen to write about the Geosphere I have chosen to write about the geosphere because I think that the geosphere is something that we all need to know about and because I think that this is what I know abou the most
The Geosphere is a sphere that has all the non living things in it like rocks, minerals,molten,sand and mountains there are greek word for Geo,Atmo,Bio and Hydro But the greek word for Geo is Ground . In the Geosphere their are 4 layers underneath the earth surface they are the 4 layers they are called
The Geosphere is a sphere that has all the non living things in it like rocks, minerals,molten,sand and mountains there are greek word for Geo,Atmo,Bio and Hydro But the greek word for Geo is Ground . In the Geosphere their are 4 layers underneath the earth surface they are the 4 layers they are called